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How to Add an Employee in DeskManager

If you need assistance with adding a new employee to a department in DeskManager, you've come to the right place! Follow our guide below to easily incorporate new team members into your workforce.

To begin, make sure you're logged in to your DeskManager account. Once you're on the Dashboard, navigate to the left-hand side of the interface to find the "Employees" section. Click on it to reveal a dropdown menu and select "All Employees" from the options provided.

You will now see a comprehensive list of all your current team members. To add a new employee to your workforce, locate the green button labeled "Add Employees" and give it a click.

A new window will pop up, where you can enter all the necessary details for the new employee. Provide their full name, email address, and select the appropriate department. If you don't have a department to choose from, you must first create one, which you can then select.

Double-check that all the information you've entered is accurate, and when you're satisfied, simply press the "Add employee" button located at the bottom of the window.

Congratulations! You've now successfully added the new team member to the specified department.

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