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The Key to Safe Spaces with DeskNow and iLOQ

At DeskNow we make “Work Where You Want” available to everyone. While you mostly think of this as meaning location, this can also include scheduling.

In the past, spaces were only accessible during normal working hours, but thanks to digitalization this is no longer a problem. This is what makes the DeskNow workspace management platform and iLOQ’s access management solution the dream team.

With iLOQ no physical keys are needed to access spaces, just an app and an NFC-enabled smartphone. So now the workspace can be digital and flexible without lacking security.

Quick, Easy Process

Choose your city and dates

Choose the space you like (when you are making your choice it will inform you which have iLOQ)

Enter information and confirm booking

Immediately receive your mobile key to your phone with instructions with the iLOQ app.

About iLOQ

iLOQ is a rapidly growing Finnish company that is leading the technological revolution in the digital locking industry. iLOQ transforms mechanical locks into digital and mobile access management. iLOQ solutions are based on technologies developed and patented by the company, enabling electronic and mobile locking without batteries or cables. iLOQ replaces mechanical and electromechanical locking systems with environmentally friendly solutions that solve the problems of lost or copied keys, reduce lock maintenance, and minimize lifecycle costs. 

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